Meet Your Matched Team in 24hrs

50,000+ Project-Ready Specialists

Get access to specialists from The Human Cloud of trusted IT companies in Europe, US, Mexico and India. Significantly reduce your time-to-productivity.

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87% of executives experienced skill gaps or expect them. Less than half know how to address the problem.

– McKinsey


Share Talent Across Your Organization

Improve Efficiency

Increase talent utilization and identify new opportunities for your talent by enabling the fluid sharing of talent across teams, departments and your organization’s groups. 

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20% of large firms already use online staffing platforms

– Staffing Industry Analysts


From Investment To Opportunity

Reduce Bench Costs

Share available specialists on a temporary basis within our enterprise network. Keep your Specialist’s motivation levels high and help prevent attrition by providing a constant stream of new projects and learning opportunities. Enable strategic, data-driven bench decisions and leverage Tech Talent from the Human Cloud instead of increasing your own bench.

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For Whom

SME Cloud for SHs was designed for Software Houses and other small and medium IT service providers.

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SME Cloud comes for free until 21st of May 2024! 

After this date, posting opportunities will be free for SMEs. Applying to these projects will be available for those with Premium Package.  

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SME Cloud

Our SME Cloud solution allows you to add an announcement, to find the right Talent for your project among our trusted partners for free. 

What’s more, as part of the premium package, you can apply to the opportunities of other SME partners – now at no additional cost. 

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