13,000 Project-ready Specialists

Meet Your Matched
Team in 24hrs

Get access to specialists from The Human Cloud of trusted IT companies available on demand. Cut down the time-to-productivity and save up to 35% on your yearly IT staffing budget

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87% of executives experienced skill gaps or expect them. Less than half know how to address the problem.

– McKinsey


New Projects for Your People

Reduce Your Bench Costs

Make data-driven decisions regarding your bench strategy. Share free resources with other companies on a temporary basis while providing your Specialists with new learning opportunities and avoid attrition by keeping their motivation levels high. Leverage Tech Talent on the Human Cloud instead of investing in your own bench.

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20% of large firms already use online staffing platforms

Staffing Industry Analysts


Scientific-based Skills Assessment

Work Better with Meaningful Data

Assessing 500+ Data Points on the precise technical skills, cognitive abilities and personality traits of each Specialist, we allow you to make futureproofed decisions regarding your candidates and employees. You know exactly who you’re working with and what value they add to your project.

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55% of Companies say they still need help with basic People Analytics

– LinkedIn


Safe and Easy Projects

One Vendor, Full Ownership

We take full ownership for the delivery of a project which minimizes your risk and cuts down on red tape. You have a single point of contact with all vendors and partners through Talent Alpha and you can choose the engagement model you or your MSP prefers: Time & Materials, Fixed Price, Agile Delivery.

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For Whom

SME Cloud for SHs was designed for Software Houses and other small and medium IT service providers.

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SME Cloud is currently FREE!

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