Talent Alpha will be hosting our first Enterprise Webinar of 2021 on March 3rd. The topic of the Webinar is how Talent Intelligence can help Enterprise organizations better understand and unleash hidden value in their organization using the latest tools and solutions.
With the Tech Talent Gap continually growing in 2021, the need for organizations to understand the skills they have inside their organization is crucial to help meet the challenges ahead and provide you clarity into the skills you need to thrive in the future.
Talent Intelligence and Human Cloud Platforms like Talent Alpha are helping Enterprise organizations all over the world to ensure they have the right talent at the right time to sustain resilience, enable growth and enact transformation.
Join this exclusive Enterprise Webinar to:
- Discover the latest market research and insights into how Talent Intelligence platforms and the Human Cloud are helping Fortune 500 organizations solve the challenges of the New Reality.
- Hear several Case Studies about how other large organizations are leveraging Talent Intelligence solutions to be more agile and shift their recruitment strategy to move from Headcount to Skill Count.
- Get an exclusive tour of Talent Alpha’s new Platform and an overview of all the tools, solutions and use cases (Recruitment, HR, L&D, IT) your organization can immediately leverage in 2021 and beyond.
Read also
The Human Cloud Ecosystem - Re-Shaping the Business World
Although cloud service was already on the rise before the pandemic, it wasn’t a necessity for many of the people in the industry. What has changed since then?
How Cloud Technology Became More Human
Working remotely has never been as popular as it is now, clearly demonstrating that its perks outweigh its disadvantages. Read more about it here.
VIDEO: Bridge Your Tech Talent Gap Webinar
On Wednesday March 3rd, Talent Alpha hosted our webinar Talent Intelligence in 2021: Understand, Unlock & Unleash Hidden Value in Your Organization